Summer Jobs
International Student Job Supports
(Full Time - May 16th - July 15th)
Work with Community Partners to design, mobilize and execute supports programs to help international students more easily secure post-grad employment in Canada. Work through existing programs, like HIS Career Mentorship Program, and explore new programs from community partners that help international students find employment in Canada.
International Student Housing Supports
(Full Time - May 16th - July 15th)
Work with Community Partners to design, mobilize and execute a system of Housing Supports for International Students this Summer. Includes working with schools, community organizations, and businesses to creating systems for Lease Vetting, volunteers to provide emergency housing, and systems for vetting current rental properties. Help create a system that will help international students find safe housing when they come to Canada!
International Students Mental Health Supports
(Full Time - May 16th - July 15th)
Work with Community Partners to design, mobilize and execute support programs to help international students better access mental health supports. Includes creating a local and national database of mental health supports, creating programs to promote mental health that prevent mental languishing, and working with community partners (schools, not for profits, businesses) to identify service gaps in the sector. Help create a system of supports that will help international students thrive in their mental health!
HIS Website/Social Media Intern
(Full Time - May 16th - July 15th)
Work with our HIS team to streamline website maintenance, social media presence, and volunteer engagement. We work with hundreds of volunteers across Hamilton and have served thousands of international students. Help us give a clear voice to community programs that help international students thrive!